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    Diablo Flooring has a team of certified installers to meet all your flooring installation needs.

    To make sure your selections and installations are quick and easy we will help calculate the correct amount of flooring product you will need. Just bring the measurements of the areas you are decorating to our showroom when you begin your search – it will also help you to begin a cost estimate for your project. Remember to include closets, hallways, and pantries in your calculations. Diablo Flooring will measure your spaces to insure the correct amount of material is figured for your job free of charge!


    We’d love to pre-measure your floor space! For pre-measures or information on your flooring needs please call us at our Pleasanton Showroom (925) 426-RUGS (7847) OR Walnut Creek Showroom (925) 988-WOOD (9663) and ask for sales or fill out the contact form.


    Please be sure to have your home temperature at a minimum of 65 degrees at least 24 hours before and after the installation as well as during the installation. This will ensure that new flooring can be properly installed.


    We know how much people like to display their crystal, porcelain, China, and other breakables in their cabinets, hutches, and on top of tables. But this may interfere with your installation, so we ask that you remove anything that may fall during the installation process.


    Pictures, low wall hangings, and floor-length draperies may interfere with the installers’ movements. So please remove draperies or tie them back at least 36” from the floor.


    The removal of old flooring is often necessary and can take a considerable amount of time. We can provide this service (except for the removal of vinyl that may contain asbestos) with charges based on the amount of time spent on the job. If your old vinyl flooring contains asbestos, however, you will need to contact a licensed asbestos removal company to remove any vinyl flooring you may have. Your sales professional will gladly assist you in locating such a company.


    Closets and storage areas need to be cleared, and long-hanging clothing needs to be removed so that there is a 36″ space above the floor to enable the installers to work freely.


    After your new flooring has been installed, it may be necessary to trim the bottoms of some doors in order to accommodate possible changes in height. We will be happy to recommend the proper professional to administer this service.


    We will gladly handle the moving of your regular furniture during installation. This service can be arranged through your sales professional and may require an additional charge.

    Please note that pool tables, grand pianos, and wood stoves must be moved by professionals and should be taken care of prior to installation. Some items that require special handling include aquariums, waterbeds, grandfather clocks, and console pianos. For items like these, consult your sales professional.


    Some appliances may require special handling. Arrangements for disconnections and hookups of ice makers, gas appliances, or commodes should be made prior to installation. Stereos, computers, and other electronic equipment should also be moved before the time of installation.


    You can expect your floor covering to be professionally installed on schedule. However, on very rare occasions, the date or time may need to be changed due to circumstances beyond our control. The prompt and professional installation of your floor covering is always a top priority!

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